Government of India has launched Arogya Setu App for prevention of Corona virus. This app will give the user information when coming in contact with an infected person. Along with this, it also shares the data with the Government of India so that the infected person can start treatment as soon as possible.
The Government of India is making every effort to prevent COVID-19. For this, the government recently launched the My Gov app, which gives the user information about the corona virus. At the same time, in view of the increasing case of corona virus infection, the government has now launched the Aarogya Setu app. Let's know what this app is and how it will help the government and the public in preventing corona virus infection.
Takes location data and Bluetooth help
It is a Corona virus tracking app as reported by The Next Web. It tells the user via smartphone location data and Bluetooth whether they came in contact with someone infected with Corona virus. For this this app checks the database of people suffering from Corona virus infection. The beta version of this app was being tested for the last few days and the stable version released has almost all the functions of beta version.
You get a notification when you come within a radius of 6 feet
This app takes the user's data from the device in encrypted form. After knowing the encryption code, it sends the user's data to the server. After this, the user gets to know whether they came in contact with a person infected with Corona virus. For this, the app uses the Bluetooth of the smartphone and notifies the user when the infected person is within 6 feet radius.
Data Safety has been noted
If your corona virus test is positive or you have come in contact with an infected person then it shares your data with the government. The privacy of users in the app has been taken care of and therefore the data is not shared with any third party app.
Equipped with many more features
Many more features are also provided in the Arogya Setu app. With the help of the chatbot provided in this, you can identify the symptoms of corona virus. This app also gives the Health Ministry updates and a list of Corona virus help line numbers for every states of India.
Download from Google Play Store
This app has been rolled out for Android and iOS. You can download it from the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. It supports 11 languages.
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